Rev. Dr Pamela S Mitchell, DMin, BCC email:
Sunday School 10: 15 AM
Worship Service 11:00 AM
Facebook Live Stream: Grace Presbyterian Church
Sunday School 10: 15 AM
Worship Service 11:00 AM
Facebook Live Stream: Grace Presbyterian Church
3901 Carver School Road Winston-Salem, NC 27105
Mailing Address: P O Box 625 Winston- Salem, NC 27102
Grace Presbyterian Church was established May 7, 1907. For 117 years Grace has been a community of spiritual formation, family support and social uplift for the citizens of Winston-Salem. Grace is an historic African American Presbyterian congregation whose principal founders include J.S. Hill. J.S. Hill was a principal founding trustee of Winston-Salem State University and a local business leader in Winston-Salem. The founders of Grace established a community committed to social justice and transformation through spiritual uplift, education and economic empowerment for African American citizens. Much of this history informs Grace’s continued to commitment to support Winston-Salem State University, local educators, families, youth and children in our neighborhood, through mentoring youth and young adults, providing academic scholarships for aspiring college students (from our neighborhood), and social entrepreneurship internships for young adults and college students.
The Grace Presbyterian Church U.S.A. is a Christ centered church with an emphasis on promoting love among its members, nurturing spiritual growth, supporting and strengthening the family in its various forms, and engaging in those ministries that address the great ends of the church: (1) the proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of humankind; (2) the shelter, nurture and spiritual fellowship of the children of God; (3) the maintenance of divine worship; (4) the preservation of the truth; (5) the promotion of social righteousness; and (6) the exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world.
We are a diverse community of believers who come from all walks of life. We welcome people of all ages, races, and backgrounds, and we strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone.
2025 Per Capita: $47.00
Monday- 10th- 6:30pm- Health Affair Committee via Zoom
Tuesday- 11th- 12:30pm-Grace Food Pantry
1:00pm- Grace Quilter
Wednesday- 12th- 12:00pm- Noon Bible Study(Zoom)
Meeting ID: 658 917 4436 Passcode: 741886
Thursday- 13th- 6:30pm - PNC (Zoom)
PW Spiritual Enrichment Retreat- Feb 22nd (Zoom)
Registration forms for this event on Salem Presbytery Website